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The best harmony and cut STORY with the deep Heart-feeling from
WILD-ANIMALS. A own translate from the CHILDREN-BOOK in German(AUSTRIA) to E N G L I S H for the international WEB-Market.
Perfect lovengly/caring a tribute from Wildanimals-Life_Form.
Sensitive deep relationship with WILDLIFE_observation.
A «WHITE-STORK» with name >P O K O Victor JABAR< comes return to
AUSTRIA = the region he was born. He contacted his little old friend=a «BOTTLE-DUCK» with name «DUFFY». Both makes a HIKE, a expedition
upper farmers-land and through forest and wetland. New other Wild Animals they see and become interesting informations from other LIFE-FORM. Rare+sheltered Animals tell both over his LIFE. The end from their searching and looking for a new STAY and HOME its very great and fantastic. They become a partner, a nice WIFE. The best Friends are
a BEAVER with the name «BOBBY» and 3 DOGS = the dogs are INSPECTORS from a very great nature Reserve privatly FOUNDATION with a GOLF+WELLNESS HOTEL-RESORT.