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2023 год
My Stockholm Syndrome
О книге
When she went on a reality game show, Selina could not have imagined that the show would be just a cover for a dangerous attraction for the rich: man-hunting. The rules are brutal and there are no winners in the game. She manages to survive… only her fate isn’t much better than death.
Жанры и теги
Видела, что издание на английском есть на Амазон, и жалела, что нет возможности купить. Рада, что теперь оно есть и здесь. Слог очень простой, читается быстро, а если учитывать, что на русском книга зачитана до дыр, незнакомых моментов просто нет.
It was like watching a movie scene in slow motion as his hand reached for his holster. He drew his gun calmly and casually, as if he was simply checking the time on his watch. He didnt even change his expression.
The strangers voice turned out to be even more sinister than his eyes. It was low, husky, and sent chills down my spine. Swallowing frantically, I staggered back into the barracks. Why are we being guarded so excessively? I agree I wasnt supposed to peek at the preparations, but what was the point of having a gun? Were being treated like… prisoners.
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