XXIII The hot weather of July had crept upon them unawares, and the atmosphere of the flat vale hung heavy as an opiate over the dairy-folk, the cows, and the trees. Hot steaming rains fell frequently, making the grass where the cows fed yet more rank, and hindering the late hay-making in the other meads. It was Sunday morning; the milking was done; the outdoor milkers had gone home. Tess and the other three were dressing themselves rapidly, the whole bevy having agreed to go together to Mellsto
по сравнению с фермерами Джайлс Уинтерборн был недурно одет и неплохо воспитан, но рядом с Грейс Мелбери выглядел деревенщиной.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
Elfride had as her own the thoughtfulness which appears in the face of the Madonna della Sedia, without its rapture: the warmth and spirit of the type of woman’s feature most common to the beauties – mortal and immortal – of Rubens, without their insistent fleshiness. The characteristic expression of the female faces of Correggio – that of the yearning human thoughts that lie too deep for tears – was hers sometimes, but seldom under ordinary conditions.
Лучше знать самое худшее, чем мучиться неизвестностью.
Бывает такая болтовня, которая ничего не говорит, – вот так болтала Батшеба, а бывает молчание, которое говорит многое, – таково было молчание Габриэля.